Online Articles


Translated Publications

Journal Articles and Interviews
Biogaphy in Spanish New!
Foreign Websites/Blogs New!

Journal Articles and Interviews

"Juventud, Educación Superiory Rol de los Intelectuales Públicosα," | Mundo Siglo XXI , revista del CIECAS-IPN ISSN 1870-2872, Núm. 39, Vol. XI, 2016, pp. 5-14 | By Henry A. Giroux - Spanish translation | 05/06/2015 New!

"Η πολιτική εξαπάτηση και το φάντασμα του ολοκληρωτισμού," | | By Henry A. Giroux - Greek translation | September 19, 2015

"Beyond Orwellian Nightmares and Neoliberal Authoritarianism," By Henry A. Giroux - Chinese translation.

“Las personas jóvenes han sido marginadas y tendrán que cuestionar el sistema que produce dicha marginación” , | November 11, 2014 | By Camilla Crosos, Latin-American Campaign for the Right to Education (CLADE) | Interview

Henry A.Giroux | Paranoia totalitaria en un estado de vigilancia post-orwelliana, Lunes, 10 de febrero del 2014

Henry A.Giroux | Cuando las escuelas se vuelven zonas libres de imaginación: Un manifiesto pedaógico crítico | translated by Alejandro Bonavita | Spanish translation of "When schools become
dead zones of the imagination"
13 de agosto del 2013

La militarización del racismo y violencia neoliberal por Henry A. Giroux, Contrapunto2002 (Truthdig)

"Henry A. Giroux: la Critical Pedagogy statunitense tra scuola e cultura popolare", translated by Luisella Tizzi – Università degli Studi di Parma e Libera Università di

Chinese translation of "The Politics of Disimagination and the Pathologies of Power" by Wu Wanwei, March 9, 2013

"Proizvodnja nasilja," by Henry A. Giroux (in Croatian)

Henry A. GIROUX*
Tradução: Edison BARIANI**
Tradução: Daniela Mendonça RIBEIRO***

"Más allá del sentido común neoliberal:políticas culturales y pedagogía pública en tiempos oscuros"
Spanish translation by Adriana Puiggrós
"Beyond Commons Sense: Neoliberalism, Culture and Teaching Public Policy in Dark Times"

"Neoliberalismo y Política de Disponibilidad"
Spanish translation by Adriana Puiggrós
"Neoliberalism and Politics of Disposability"

"Quando a esperança é subversiva"
Portuguese translation by Edison Bariani
“When Hope is Subversive,” Tikkun 19:6 (November/December, 2004), pp. 62-64.

"Δεν θα φύγει μαζί με τον Μπους ο θρησκευτικός φονταμενταλισμός"
ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΟΤΥΠΙΑ - 25/10/2008
Available in English:
"America is about to do away with Bush, but will it do away with religious fanaticism?"

"Abandoned Generation in The Global Age" by Henry A. Giroux
co-authored with Chronis Polychroniou

Βρώμικη δημοκρατία - Dirty Democracy
co-authored with Chronis Polychroniou
ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΟΤΥΠΙΑ - 12/12/2007

Κοινωνίες υπό πολιορκία
co-authored with Chronis Polychroniou
ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΟΤΥΠΙΑ - 27/11/2007

Μάθημα αμφισβήτησης της εξουσία
συνέντευξη στον ΧΡΟΝΗ ΠΟΛΥΧΡΟΝΙΟΥ
ΚΥΡΙΑΚΑΤΙΚΗ - 18/02/2007

"Doble discurso y la política del disenso"
"  Double Speak and the Politics of Dissent" - Dissident Voice (on internet)
Spanish translation by Pablo Aiello

"Estudios Culturales: Juventud y el desafío de la Pedagogía"
"Doing Cultural Studies: Youth and the Politics of Neoliberalism" (in press). Spanish translation by Pablo Aiello

"La pasión de la derecha: fundamentalismo religioso y la crisis de la democracia"
"The Passion of the Right: Religious Fundamentalism and the Crisis of Democracy," Cultural Studies/Critical Methodologies (in press).
Spanish translation by Pablo Aiello

"Estimulando a la juventud: La Disneyzación de la Cultura Infantil"
"Animating Youth: the Disnification of Children's Culture"
[Socialist Review 24:3 (1995), pp. 23-55. Reprinted as "A Disneyzacao Da Cultura Infantil," in Tomaz Tadeu Da Silva and Antonio Flavio Moreira, eds. Territorios Contestados (Brazil: Vozes, 1995), pp. 49-81.] (in press).

Henry A. Giroux: Neoliberalismo y la muerte de la Democracia: Resucitando la esperanza en tiempos de oscuridad
"Neoliberalism and the Demise of Democracy: Resurrecting Hope in Dark Times"
August 7, 2004

"Desafiar el Nuevo Orden Mundial del Neoliberalismo: La Promesa de la Pedagogía Crítica*" by Henry Giroux, Anuario Pedagógico (8), 2004, pp. 21-34.

"Youth Panic and the Politics of Schooling: The corporate model of teaching needs to be changed"
by Henry A. Giroux, Znet
"El modelo corporativo de enseñanza debe ser cambiado"
Translated by: Pablo Aiello

"Cultural Studies in Dark Times: Public Pedagogy and the Challenge of Neoliberalism"
By Henry A. Giroux
" Los Estudios Culturales en Tiempos Oscuros: La Pedagogía Pública y el desafío del Neoliberalismo"
Fast Capitalism 1.2 2005
Translated by: Pablo Aiello

"Paulo Freire and the Politics of Postcolonialism"
By Henry A. Giroux
"Paulo Freire y las Políticas del Postcolonialismo"
Translated by: Pablo Aiello

"Qual o papel da Pedagogia Crítica nos estudos de língua e cultura?"
Uma entrevista com Henry A. Giroux
Translated by: Manuela Guilherme

"Animating Youth: the Disnification of Children's Culture."
[Socialist Review 24:3 (1995), pp. 23-55. Reprinted as "A Disneyzacao Da Cultura Infantil," in Tomaz Tadeu Da Silva and Antonio Flavio Moreira, eds. Territorios Contestados (Brazil: Vozes, 1995), pp. 49-81.]
Translated by: Pablo Aiello

"Doing Cultural Studies: Youth and the Politics of Neoliberalism."
Estudios Culturales : Juventud y el desafío de la Pedagogía
(Harvard Educational Review 64:3 –Fall 1994- pp 278 - 308)
Translated by: Pablo Aiello

"The Passion of the Right: Religious Fundamentalism and the
Crisis of Democracy," Cultural Studies/Critical Methodologies (in press).
"La pasion de la derecha Fundamentalimo religioso y el trato de la democracia" Translated by: Pablo Aiello

"Double Speak and the Politics of Dissent," Dissident Voice (on internet).
"Doble discurso y la política del disenso" Translated by: Pablo Aiello

"Neoliberalism and the Demise of Democracy: Resurrecting Hope in Dark Times" Dissident Voice (on internet).
"Neoliberalismo y la muerte de la Democracia: Resucitando la esperanza en tiempos de oscuridad" Translated by: Pablo Aiello

"Why Aren't Children Included in the Debates About the Impending U.S. War with Iraq?" Dissident Voice (on internet).
"Por qué no se incluye a los niños en los debates sobre la inminente guerra de Estados Unidos contra Irak?" Translated by: Pablo Aiello

"Higher Education is More Than a Corporate Logo" (on internet). "La Educación es más que un logo corporativo" Translated by: Pablo Aiello

"George Bush's Religious Crusade Against Democracy: Fundamentalism as Cultural Politics" (on Internet). "La Cruzada Religiosa de George Bush contra la Democracia: Fundamentalismo como Política Cultural" Translated by: Pablo Aiello

"Disney, Southern Baptists, & Children's Culture: The Magic Kingdom as Sodom and Gomorrah?" (online at " El Reino Mágico como Sódoma y Gomorra?" Translated by: Pablo Aiello

"The Business of Public Education" (on Internet). "El Negocio de la Educación pública."
Translated by: Pablo Aiello

Biorgaphy in Spanish

Tributo A Henry Giroux New!

Henry Giroux: “Una educación divorciada de su contexto carece de valor”

Mentalidad Educativa

Editorial: Paulo Freire, Henry Giroux y Alexander Neill

El juego poderoso continua, y tu puedes contribuir con un verso
Análisis de videos con Henry Giroux: Parte II