FLASH: Sound

Add Sound | Edit Sounds | Stop/Start Sounds | Button Sounds

Add Sound

Adding sounds to a movie involves creating a layer for the sound, assigning the sound, and setting options in the Sound panel of the Frame Properties dialog box. To add sound to a movie:

  1. Choose Insert > Layer to create a layer for sound. You can place sounds on as many layers as you want.
    • Each layer acts like a separate sound channel. The sounds on all layers are combined when you play back the movie.
  2. Click the frame of the sound layer where you want the sound to start.
  3. Choose Modify > Frame and then click the Sound tab in the Frame Properties dialog box.
  4. From the Sound pop-up menu, choose the name of the sound file to associate with this sound layer.
  5. Choose a synchronization option:
    • Event synchronizes the sound to the occurrence of an event. An event sound plays when its starting keyframe is first displayed and plays in its entirety, independently of the Timeline, even if the movie stops. Event sounds are mixed when you play your published movie.
    • Start is the same as Event, except that if the sound is already playing, a new instance of the sound is started.
    • Stop silences the specified sound.
    • Stream synchronizes the sound for playing on a web site. Flash forces animation to keep pace with stream sounds. If Flash can't draw animation frames quickly enough, it skips frames. Unlike event sounds, stream sounds stop if the animation stops. Also, a stream sound can never play longer than the length of the frames it occupies. Stream sounds are mixed when you publish your movie.
  6. Enter a value in Loop to specify the number of times the sound should loop; for continuous play, enter a very high number.
  7. Use the Sound window controls to edit the sound as needed. Choose from the following options.
    • None applies no effects to the sound file. Choose this option to remove previously applied effects.
    • Left Channel/Right Channel plays sound only in the left or right channel.
    • Fade Left to Right/Fade Right to Left shifts the sound from one channel to the other.
    • Fade In gradually increases the amplitude of a sound over its duration.
    • Fade Out gradually decreases the amplitude of a sound over its duration.
Edit Sounds
  • To change the start and end points of a sound, drag the Time In and Time Out controls in the Sound Frame Properties dialog box.
  • To change the sound envelope, drag the envelope handles on the envelope lines to change levels at different points in the sound. Envelope lines show the volume of the sound as it plays. Click on the lines to create up to eight envelope handles. To remove an envelope handle, drag it out of the window.
  • To display more or less of the sound in the window, click the Zoom In/Out buttons.
  • To switch the time units between seconds and frames, click the Seconds and Frames buttons.
Stop and Start Sounds:
  1. Add a sound to a movie in a layer by itself. To synchronize this sound with an event in the scene, choose a beginning keyframe that corresponds to the keyframe of the event in the scene. You can choose any of the synchronization options.
  2. Create a keyframe in the sound layer's time strip at the frame where you want the sound to end.
    • A representation of the sound file appears in the time strip.
  3. Double-click the ending keyframe and click the Sound tab in the Frame Properties dialog box.
  4. Choose the same sound from the Sound pop-up menu.
  5. Choose Stop from the Synchronization pop-up menu.
    • When you play the movie, the sound stops playing when it reaches the ending keyframe.
    • Shift-dragging the playback head repeats the streaming sound of the frame you are on. This is useful for aligning sounds to your animation.
Add Sounds to a Button:
  1. Select the button in the Library.
  2. Choose Edit from the Symbol pop-up menu.
  3. In the button's Timeline, add a sound layer.
  4. In the sound layer, create one keyframe to correspond with each button state you want to have a sound.
    • For example, to add a sound that plays when the button is clicked, create a keyframe in the frame labeled Down.
  5. Add a sound to the new keyframe and choose Event from the Synchronization pop-up menu.
    • To associate a different sound with each of the button's keyframes, use a different sound layer and sound file for each keyframe. You can also use the same sound file but create or use a different sound effect for each button frame