Elisabeth Gedge
Ph.D. (Calgary)
Email: gedge@mcmaster.ca
Phone: 905-525-9140, ext. 23459
Office: University Hall 303
Selected Publications
2015: Gedge, Elisabeth, “What is Dignity and Does Bioethics Need to Talk About it?”
2014: Gedge, Elisabeth and Wilfrid J. Waluchow, Well and Good: A Case Study Approach to Healthcare Ethics, 4th edition, Peterborough: Broadview Press, 328 pages.
2014: Gedge, Elisabeth and Deirdre Querney, “The Silent Dimension: Speaking of Spirituality in Addictions Counseling” Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics, Volume 11, Number 2, 41-51.
2013: Gedge, Elisabeth, “‘Healthy’ Human Embryos and Symbolic Harm.” Reprinted in Charles Weijer, Anthony Skelton, Samantha Brennan (eds), Bioethics in Canada, Oxford University Press, 43-48. 2012:
2012: Gedge, Elisabeth, “Radical Forgiveness and Feminist Theology” in Malika Rebai Maamri (ed.) Mapping Forgiveness, Interdisciplinary Press, Oxford, 85-96.
2012: (Boetzkes) Gedge, Elisabeth and Wilfrid J. Waluchow. Readings in Health Care Ethics , 2nd. edition, Broadview Press, 628 pages.
2011: Gedge, Elisabeth, “Reproductive Choice and the Ideals of Parenting" International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics, 4 (2):32-47
2010: Gedge, Elisabeth, "The "Healthy Embryo" and the Symbolic Harm of Testing for Disability," in Nisker, Baylis, Karpin, McLeod & Mykitiuk, The Healthy Embryo, Cambridge University Press, 233-250.
2007: Gedge E. (Lead author), Giacomini M., Cook D., "Withholding and withdrawing life support in critical care settings: ethical issues concerning consent" Journal of Medical Ethics. Volume: 33, 215-218.
2004: (Boetzkes) Gedge, Elisabeth "Collective Moral Imagination: Making Decisions for Persons with Dementia," Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, Vol.29, No. 4, 435-450.
2002: Boetzkes, E.; Robert, D.; Swanson, C. “Secrecy, Integrity, Agency: Nurses and Genetic Terminations" Journal of Clinical Ethics, Volume 13, No.2, 124-130.
2001: Boetzkes, Elisabeth "Privacy, Property and the Family in the Age of Genetic Testing: Observations from Transformative Feminism," Journal of Social Philosophy; Volume XXXIII, Number 3, 301-316.
2001: Boetzkes, Elisabeth "God and Goodness: Three Contemporary Views" Proceedings: Metaphysics for the Third Millenium, Rome.
2000: Boetzkes, Elisabeth "Towards an Inclusive Health Ethic for Humans and Ecosystems" (with Jason Robert). Editors’ Introduction, Ethics and the Environment, 5 (2): 142-151
2000: Boetzkes, Elisabeth Readings in Health Care Ethics (with Wil Waluchow), Broadview Press, 2000, 1st edition 605 pages.
1999: Boetzkes, Elisabeth "Genetic Knowledge and Third-Party Interests" Cambridge Quarterly of Health Care Ethics, vol. 8 No. 3, 286-392
1994: Boetzkes, Elisabeth "Sex Selection and the Charter," Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence; Vol. VII, No. 1, 173-192.
1990: Boetzkes, Elisabeth "Women, Madness, and Special Defenses in the Law," with E. Sobstyl and S. Guerin, Journal of Social Philosophy, Vol. XXI, No. 3, Fall/Winter, 127-139.
1978: Boetzkes, Elisabeth "The Fear of God in the Byzantine Liturgy," Diakonia, Vol. XIII, No. 3.